Undergraduate Alumni

Duncan Koelzer

Duncan is currently researching different options for an aerospace testbed to will be used to test our satellite equipment in a simulated zero-g environment.

Shuban Ranganath

Shuban currently supports the development of the flight software for the Inspection CubeSat.

Samuel Gonzalez

Samuel specializes in CAD and structural analysis and is currently working on developing a model for a space habitat mockup.

Logan Dunn

Logan is an undergraduate student majoring in Aerospace Engineering and developing computer vision and machine learning models for the Inspection CubeSat.

Dzuy Nguyen

Dzuy is an undergraduate student working on the NASA JSC HDD CubeSat and Zero-G HDD project by supporting the development of CubeSat designs.

Yi-Hsuan Cheng

Yi-Hsuan serves as a machine learning specialist and optimizes the performance of object detection and pose estimation algorithm for Inspection CubeSat project.

Eddie Protassov

Eddie works on developing a mechanism and conducting analysis for the Inspection CubeSat.

Xiao-Bao Bao

Xiao supports the development of computer vision and machine learning models for the Inspection CubeSat.

Anna Valcarcel

Anna is a member of Chris Lorenzen’s satellite development team, working on a water-sublimation approach to active cooling for CubeSats