Lab Leadership

Dr. Stephen K. Robinson

  • Lab Director
Dr. Robinson is the Principal Investigator of the HRVIP Lab. As a research scientist, his areas of interest include human spaceflight; spacecraft design, operations, and inspection; human/system integration for aerospace systems; augmentation of human capabilities in hazardous environments; robotics and UAV technology; fluid physics and modeling; aircraft aerodynamics; and safety engineering.

Phoebe Newens

  • Executive Administrator for the UC Davis Center for Spaceflight Research
Phoebe supports administrative projects for HRVIP and the UC Davis Center for Spaceflight Research. She also maintains the HRVIP website.

Janine R. Moses

  • Lab Manager
Janine's research focuses on the use of sublimation phase change technology as a means of thermal control for eventual use on CubeSats.

Krasen Kovachev

  • Safety Manager
Krasen has been a Development Engineer for MAE since 2019, and is now launching into his MS degree in HRVIP.

Dr. James Baughn

  • Chief Pilot
Dr. James Baughn is a Professor Emeritus in the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at the University of California, Davis and the Chief Pilot of HRVIP.

Tammer Barkouki

  • Chief Scientist
Tammer supports the HOME STRI and focuses on applying machine learning to enhancing human-machine teaming.