HRVIP Laboratory Support
The Human/Robotics/Vehicle Integration and Performance Laboratory is conducting broadly interdisciplinary research in a wide range of topics such as autonomous space habitats, human-robot interaction, small satellite technologies, life support systems, and drones. Not only does the lab's innovative research contribute to the advancement of pivotal technologies, it also provides an enriching educational experience that transforms student researchers into professional scientists and engineers. Please consider making a gift to support the HRVIP lab's research and students by clicking on the image to the left or navigating to the following link: https://give.ucdavis.edu/2450/RSHRVIP

Astronaut Alumni Scholarship
Former Astronaut Stephen K. Robinson, a veteran of four space shuttle missions, UC Davis alumnus and faculty member, established the Astronaut Alumni Scholarship in 2002. The annual award recognizes an outstanding student double-majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering. Please consider making a gift to support this annual scholarship by clicking on the image to the left or navigating to the following link: https://give.ucdavis.edu/2450/322200